Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I spend a lot of time thinking of the ways Church is supposed to change.  I read a lot of articles (here is the latest one) telling me the Church needs to change.  I attempt to read the signs of decreased participation, attendance and guests who worship with us, trying to understand how the Church needs to change.  I measure the temperature of the faithful to new ideas, new programs and new visions, as they honestly wrestle with why the Church needs to change. 

Here is what I have discerned, after a couple of years of living under the pressure of the need to change:

Change is overrated.

I personally love change.  I love new things, trying out new ways.  In fact, I often depend on the changes I spearhead in our fabulous congregation to make an impact on the Church.

I realize I am deluding myself.

Conversation with the Ancient One, who has seen it all, makes me realize how myopic my view is.  The change we are advocating in articles, board meetings and church seminars is so miniscule.  The “change” God wants is earth-shattering:  God wants all of creation to live life in partnership with him, in the midst of evil, suffering and death.  Nothing more. 

The Church is supposed to know that deep down in her bones. 

I am supposed to know that deep down in my bones.

I guess I am in the process of changing.


  1. Great perspective, Manisha. I have to say I agree with you. All these articles and opinions that place the blame or the onus on the Church vis-à-vis its ability/inability to adjust to this supposedly-new era are wearing me out. Maybe what the church actually needs to do is just more of what it's already doing...but better. Maybe the issues we're facing have less to do with what's going on inside the church and more to do with a world that thinks it knows better.

  2. Perhaps we have a built-in barometer to measure change-- the kind that wears us out is not the kind that gives us life.

  3. When I think about change, a quote by George Bernard Shaw comes to mind, “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
    Henry Ford once said (at least I think it was Henry Ford)and I am paraphrasing it, ..."The only thing constant in life is change." We are constantly changing without even realizing it.
